

Delay discounting refers to the well-established finding that humans tend to discount the value of a future reward such that the discount progressively increases as a function of the receipt delay (Green & Myerson, 2004; Vincent, 2016). In a typical delay discounting (DD) task, the participant is asked to indicate his/her preference between two delayed options: a smaller-sooner (SS) option (e.g., 8 dollars now) and a larger-longer (LL) option (e.g., 50 dollars in 1 month).


Green, L. and Myerson, J. (2004). A discounting framework for choice with delayed and probabilistic rewards. Psychological Bulletin, 130, 769–792.

Vincent, B. T. (2016). Hierarchical Bayesian estimation and hypothesis testing for delay discounting tasks. Behavior Research Methods, 48, 1608–1620.


class adopy.tasks.dd.TaskDD

Bases: Task

The Task class for the delay discounting task.

Design variables
  • t_ss (\(t_{SS}\)) - delay of a SS option

  • t_ll (\(t_{LL}\)) - delay of a LL option

  • r_ss (\(R_{SS}\)) - amount of reward of a SS option

  • r_ll (\(R_{LL}\)) - amount of reward of a LL option

  • choice - 0 (choosing a SS option) or 1 (choosing a LL option)


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import TaskDD
>>> task = TaskDD()
>>> task.designs
['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll']
>>> task.responses


class adopy.tasks.dd.ModelExp

Bases: Model

The exponential model for the delay discounting task (Samuelson, 1937).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} D(t) &= e^{-rt} \\ V_{LL} &= R_{LL} \cdot D(t_{LL}) \\ V_{SS} &= R_{SS} \cdot D(t_{SS}) \\ P(LL\, over \, SS) &= \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-\tau (V_{LL} - V_{SS})]} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Model parameters
  • r (\(r\)) - discounting parameter (\(r > 0\))

  • tau (\(\tau\)) - inverse temperature (\(\tau > 0\))


Samuelson, P. A. (1937). A note on measurement of utility. The review of economic studies, 4 (2), 155–161.


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import ModelExp
>>> model = ModelExp()
>>> model.task
Task('DDT', designs=['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll'], responses=[0, 1])
>>> model.params
['r', 'tau']
compute(choice, t_ss, t_ll, r_ss, r_ll, r, tau)

Compute log likelihood of obtaining responses with given designs and model parameters. The function provide the same result as the argument func given in the initialization. If the likelihood function is not given for the model, it returns the log probability of a random noise.


Since the version 0.4.0, compute() function should compute the log likelihood, instead of the probability of a binary response variable. Also, it should include the response variables as arguments. These changes might break existing codes using the previous versions of ADOpy.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Provide the log likelihood instead of the probability of a binary response.

class adopy.tasks.dd.ModelHyp

Bases: Model

The hyperbolic model for the delay discounting task (Mazur, 1987).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} D(t) &= \frac{1}{1 + kt} \\ V_{LL} &= R_{LL} \cdot D(t_{LL}) \\ V_{SS} &= R_{SS} \cdot D(t_{SS}) \\ P(LL\, over \, SS) &= \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-\tau (V_{LL} - V_{SS})]} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Model parameters
  • k (\(k\)) - discounting parameter (\(k > 0\))

  • tau (\(\tau\)) - inverse temperature (\(\tau > 0\))


Mazur, J. E. (1987). An adjusting procedure for studying delayed reinforcement. Commons, ML.;Mazur, JE.; Nevin, JA, 55–73.


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import ModelHyp
>>> model = ModelHyp()
>>> model.task
Task('DDT', designs=['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll'], responses=[0, 1])
>>> model.params
['k', 'tau']
compute(choice, t_ss, t_ll, r_ss, r_ll, k, tau)

Compute log likelihood of obtaining responses with given designs and model parameters. The function provide the same result as the argument func given in the initialization. If the likelihood function is not given for the model, it returns the log probability of a random noise.


Since the version 0.4.0, compute() function should compute the log likelihood, instead of the probability of a binary response variable. Also, it should include the response variables as arguments. These changes might break existing codes using the previous versions of ADOpy.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Provide the log likelihood instead of the probability of a binary response.

class adopy.tasks.dd.ModelHPB

Bases: Model

The hyperboloid model for the delay discounting task (Green & Myerson, 2004).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} D(t) &= \frac{1}{(1 + kt)^s} \\ V_{LL} &= R_{LL} \cdot D(t_{LL}) \\ V_{SS} &= R_{SS} \cdot D(t_{SS}) \\ P(LL\, over \, SS) &= \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-\tau (V_{LL} - V_{SS})]} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Model parameters
  • k (\(k\)) - discounting parameter (\(k > 0\))

  • s (\(s\)) - scale parameter (\(s > 0\))

  • tau (\(\tau\)) - inverse temperature (\(\tau > 0\))


Green, L. and Myerson, J. (2004). A discounting framework for choice with delayed and probabilistic rewards. Psychological Bulletin, 130, 769–792.


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import ModelHPB
>>> model = ModelHPB()
>>> model.task
Task('DDT', designs=['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll'], responses=[0, 1])
>>> model.params
['k', 's', 'tau']
compute(choice, t_ss, t_ll, r_ss, r_ll, k, s, tau)

Compute log likelihood of obtaining responses with given designs and model parameters. The function provide the same result as the argument func given in the initialization. If the likelihood function is not given for the model, it returns the log probability of a random noise.


Since the version 0.4.0, compute() function should compute the log likelihood, instead of the probability of a binary response variable. Also, it should include the response variables as arguments. These changes might break existing codes using the previous versions of ADOpy.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Provide the log likelihood instead of the probability of a binary response.

class adopy.tasks.dd.ModelCOS

Bases: Model

The constant sensitivity model for the delay discounting task (Ebert & Prelec, 2007).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} D(t) &= \exp[-(rt)^s] \\ V_{LL} &= R_{LL} \cdot D(t_{LL}) \\ V_{SS} &= R_{SS} \cdot D(t_{SS}) \\ P(LL\, over \, SS) &= \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-\tau (V_{LL} - V_{SS})]} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Model parameters
  • r (\(r\)) - discounting parameter (\(r > 0\))

  • s (\(s\)) - scale parameter (\(s > 0\))

  • tau (\(\tau\)) - inverse temperature (\(\tau > 0\))


Ebert, J. E. and Prelec, D. (2007). The fragility of time: Time-insensitivity and valuation of thenear and far future. Management science, 53 (9), 1423–1438.


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import ModelCOS
>>> model = ModelCOS()
>>> model.task
Task('DDT', designs=['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll'], responses=[0, 1])
>>> model.params
['r', 's', 'tau']
compute(choice, t_ss, t_ll, r_ss, r_ll, r, s, tau)

Compute log likelihood of obtaining responses with given designs and model parameters. The function provide the same result as the argument func given in the initialization. If the likelihood function is not given for the model, it returns the log probability of a random noise.


Since the version 0.4.0, compute() function should compute the log likelihood, instead of the probability of a binary response variable. Also, it should include the response variables as arguments. These changes might break existing codes using the previous versions of ADOpy.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Provide the log likelihood instead of the probability of a binary response.

class adopy.tasks.dd.ModelQH

Bases: Model

The quasi-hyperbolic model (or Beta-Delta model) for the delay discounting task (Laibson, 1997).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} D(t) &= \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } t = 0 \\ \beta \delta ^ t & \text{if } t > 0 \end{cases} \\ V_{LL} &= R_{LL} \cdot D(t_{LL}) \\ V_{SS} &= R_{SS} \cdot D(t_{SS}) \\ P(LL\, over \, SS) &= \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-\tau (V_{LL} - V_{SS})]} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Model parameters
  • beta (\(\beta\)) - constant rate (\(0 < \beta < 1\))

  • delta (\(\delta\)) - constant rate (\(0 < \delta < 1\))

  • tau (\(\tau\)) - inverse temperature (\(\tau > 0\))


Laibson, D. (1997). Golden eggs and hyperbolic discounting. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 443–477


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import ModelQH
>>> model = ModelQH()
>>> model.task
Task('DDT', designs=['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll'], responses=[0, 1])
>>> model.params
['beta', 'delta', 'tau']
compute(choice, t_ss, t_ll, r_ss, r_ll, beta, delta, tau)

Compute log likelihood of obtaining responses with given designs and model parameters. The function provide the same result as the argument func given in the initialization. If the likelihood function is not given for the model, it returns the log probability of a random noise.


Since the version 0.4.0, compute() function should compute the log likelihood, instead of the probability of a binary response variable. Also, it should include the response variables as arguments. These changes might break existing codes using the previous versions of ADOpy.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Provide the log likelihood instead of the probability of a binary response.

class adopy.tasks.dd.ModelDE

Bases: Model

The double exponential model for the delay discounting task (McClure et al., 2007).

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} D(t) &= \omega e^{-rt} + (1 - \omega) e^{-st} \\ V_{LL} &= R_{LL} \cdot D(t_{LL}) \\ V_{SS} &= R_{SS} \cdot D(t_{SS}) \\ P(LL\, over \, SS) &= \frac{1}{1 + \exp [-\tau (V_{LL} - V_{SS})]} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Model parameters
  • omega (\(r\)) - weight parameter (\(0 < \omega < 1\))

  • r (\(r\)) - discounting rate (\(r > 0\))

  • s (\(s\)) - discounting rate (\(s > 0\))

  • tau (\(\tau\)) - inverse temperature (\(\tau > 0\))


McClure, S. M., Ericson, K. M., Laibson, D. I., Loewenstein, G., and Cohen, J. D. (2007). Time discounting for primary rewards. Journal of neuroscience, 27 (21), 5796–5804.


>>> from adopy.tasks.ddt import ModelDE
>>> model = ModelDE()
>>> model.task
Task('DDT', designs=['t_ss', 't_ll', 'r_ss', 'r_ll'], responses=[0, 1])
>>> model.params
['omega', 'r', 's', 'tau']
compute(choice, t_ss, t_ll, r_ss, r_ll, omega, r, s, tau)

Compute log likelihood of obtaining responses with given designs and model parameters. The function provide the same result as the argument func given in the initialization. If the likelihood function is not given for the model, it returns the log probability of a random noise.


Since the version 0.4.0, compute() function should compute the log likelihood, instead of the probability of a binary response variable. Also, it should include the response variables as arguments. These changes might break existing codes using the previous versions of ADOpy.

Changed in version 0.4.0: Provide the log likelihood instead of the probability of a binary response.


class adopy.tasks.dd.EngineDD(model, grid_design, grid_param, **kwargs)

Bases: Engine

The Engine class for the delay discounting task. It can be only used for TaskDD.